"Verily I am Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Me. So worship Me (alone), and establish prayer for My remembrance." (Taha, 14)
السلام عليكم
Masjid At-Tarbiyah was established by the permission and decree of Allah on the 14th February 2010, to act as a spiritual centre of worship and enlightenment and to manage a variety of educational activities, conferences and symposiums that reflect the noble values of the Qur’an and Sunnah and our prestigious Islamic culture and heritage.
Help us keep the Masjid running
Please donate generously as this ensures that the mosque is maintained and the Muslim community continuously benefits to the maximum extent. Be assured that all donations are strictly kept separate for the Mosque fund only.
“Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah builds for him a mansion in Jannah” (Al-Hadith, Sahih Bukhari).
Matrimony Services
Funeral Services
At-Tarbiyah Academy
Sisters Weekly Classes
What the Congregation is Saying...
The Masjid Facilities
In addition to achieving its major role of managing the masjid as a place for worship and prayer, the masjid has now established and reaffirmed itself to take a central role in the community. To achieve this goal we are happy to say that we have the following facilities available for the congregation:
- Prayer service for sisters
- Free funeral service and private ambulance
- Activities for young children
- Youth projects
- Weekday and Weekend Madrassa
- Taraweeh during Ramadan
- Eid in the Park
We hope to promote mutual understanding between cultures; providing services that deal with the changing needs of our society whilst using high-quality standards as the foundation of all our dealings.

The Authentic Morning & Evening Adhkar
This summary of the authentic morning and evening Adhkar has been compiled from the works and publications of Shaykh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe. It has been concisely written in a straight forward manner to inspire Muslims of all levels wishing to reconnect back to Allah.